Reports from the Bibliographic Bunker Jed Birmingham on William S. Burroughs Collecting Lines Press Aram SaroyanAram Saroyan Aram SaroyanWorks Gertrude Stein Richard KomarGames John PerreaultCamouflage Lines Lines 1September 1964 Lines 2December 1964 Lines 3February 1965 William Burroughs and Tom Veitch“Naked Express“Lines 3 William Burroughs and Tom Veitch“Naked Express“Lines 3 Lines 4March 1965 Lines 5May 1965…
Tag: Fielding Dawson
Reports from the Bibliographic Bunker Jed Birmingham on William S. Burroughs Collecting Several years ago, I wrote on the potential joys of collecting Charles Olson. Olson loomed as a literal giant over the small press and little magazine scene from 1950 until his death in 1970. As a result, his work appeared in some of…