Reports from the Bibliographic Bunker Jed Birmingham on William S. Burroughs Collecting Q: What is with all the men’s magazines? A: Oh, I read them for the articles. Really? In part. Take exhibit A: the July 1961 issue of Swank. For anybody interested in the textual history of Naked Lunch, this issue proves to be…
Tag: Archives
Cutting up the Archive: William Burroughs and the Composite Text
by Oliver Harris This is an edited version of a paper delivered to the 4th Annual Symposium on Textual Studies at the Centre for Textual Scholarship, De Montfort University, Leicester, 25 May 2007. I’d like to start by saying how delighted I am to have been invited here today by Peter Shillingsburg and how honoured…
Burroughs and Beats in Men’s Magazines: William Burroughs Appearances in Adult Men’s Magazines
Reports from the Bibliographic Bunker Jed Birmingham on William S. Burroughs Collecting This list is by no means comprehensive, although I attempted to make it as complete as possible. I combed through Maynard & Miles and Eric Shoaf’s Checklist marking down all the men’s magazines with William Burroughs fiction, essays, or interviews. I took adult…
Burroughs and Beats in Men’s Magazines: Burroughs
Reports from the Bibliographic Bunker Jed Birmingham on William S. Burroughs Collecting Continued from Part 1, Introduction to Burroughs and Beats in Men’s Magazines. From the 1950s to the late 1970s, William Burroughs supplied men’s magazines with fiction, essays, and interviews. The sheer number of pieces Burroughs provided to the skin trade is amazing. Burroughs…
Burroughs and Beats in Men’s Magazines: Introduction
Reports from the Bibliographic Bunker Jed Birmingham on William S. Burroughs Collecting In the last few weeks, eBay featured a couple of men’s magazines with William Burroughs appearances. A nice copy of Man’s Wildcat Adventures attracted several bidders and sold to a book dealer in California. Later, a copy of the little known British magazine…
Floating Bear
Reports from the Bibliographic Bunker Jed Birmingham on William S. Burroughs Collecting Also see Jed Birmingham’s Floating Bear Archive and article on Floating Bear 24. After my deal to obtain Floating Bear #24 fell through a month or so ago, Floating Bears have been much on my mind. I broke down and bought a run…
Floating Bear Archive
Reports from the Bibliographic Bunker Jed Birmingham on William S. Burroughs Collecting For more information about Floating Bear, see Jed Birmingham’s articles on Floating Bear and Floating Bear 24. You can also download this spreadsheet mapping the recipients to whom copies of Floating Bear were mailed. Floating Bear 1February 1961 Download Floating Bear 2February 1961…
Double Fold
Reports from the Bibliographic Bunker Jed Birmingham on William S. Burroughs Collecting Thank goodness!!! I just finished Nicholson Baker’s book Double Fold: Libraries and the Assault on Paper and guess what: paper, even the most acidified paper, is much more durable than I was led to imagine. Some of the jewels of a William Burroughs…
The NYPL Acquisition of the Burroughs Archive
Reports from the Bibliographic Bunker Jed Birmingham on William S. Burroughs Collecting For those of you chomping at the bit to sneak a peek at the Burroughs Archive in the Berg Collection, do not book your ticket to New York just yet. The archive is massive and could take awhile to organize and to catalog….
Burroughs Literary Archive
Catalogue Excerpt by Ken Lopez In March 2006 the New York Public Library purchased the William S. Burroughs Literary Archive from collectors Robert and Donna Jackson. This sale was brokered by Ken Lopez Bookseller, who put together an extremely nice catalogue describing the archive and situating its importance in the Burroughs corpus. For those who…