UFO was a little mag put out by Udo Breger and Expanded Media Editions. Edited by Breger, Carl Weissner, Jürgen Ploog, and Jörg Fauser, it published their work alongside other writers such as William Burroughs, Allen Ginsberg, Claude Pélieu, Mary Beach, Timothy Leary, et al.

Magazin UFO: Cut-Up Environment
Announcement for a cut-up event sponsored by UFO Magazine.
Note: Though Weissner’s name is on the announcement, he claims not to have been in attendance “either because I was whacked out on something, or I dreaded the drive — on the most deadliest autobahn in western europe.”
Published by RealityStudio on 24 July 2009. Updated with new material in July 2010.
I have an ‘undocumented’ promotional poster for UFO 1
Dear @Bigcrux,
is there a chance for me to purchase the promotional poster for UFO 1 from you?