Part One of “Not in Maynard & Miles”
by Eric C. Shoaf
Man Alone: Alienation in Modern Society ed. by Eric and Mary Josephson, (New York: Dell Publishing Inc., 1962), Burroughs contributes “Deposition: Testimony Concerning a Sickness” bound in wraps.
Reliefs / Machines: An Exhibition Catalog of Works by Mark Brusse (Arnheim, Holland: Gallery 20, 1963), Burroughs contributes a brief untitled text (in English) dated March 1, 1963, one of 1,000 copies printed, bound in wraps.
The Addict in the Street ed. by Jeremy Larner & Ralph Tefferteller, (New York: Grove Press, 1964), Burroughs contributes an untitled quote from Naked Lunch that sort of serves as a preface to the book, hardbound in dust jacket.
The Speakers by William Heathcote, (New York: Grove Press, 1964), Burroughs contributes a blurb to the rear cover of the dust jacket, hardbound.
Uvoltes: Vallomasok a Beat Nemzedekrol ed. by Sukosd Mihaly, (Budapest, Hungary: Europa Könyvkiado, 1965), Burroughs contributes “Meztelen ebed (Reszlet)” an excerpt from Naked Lunch. Text in Hungarian. The book was #117 in a series the publisher called “Modern Könyvtar,” bound in wraps.
The World of Black Humor ed. by Douglas M. Davis, (New York: EP Dutton, 1967), Burroughs contributes “From Nova Express” bound in wraps.
Authors Take Sides on Vietnam ed. by Cecil Woolf, (New York: Simon & Schuster, 1967), Burroughs contributes an untitled reply, bound in wraps. Noted as Maynard & Miles B32. But there was also a special edition of 300 copies for contributors, hardbound in blue buckram covers, with a complements slip from publisher not listed in M&M. Did Burroughs not receive his copy?
The Attempt by John Hopkins, (New York: Viking, 1967), Burroughs contributes a blurb about the book on the front inner dust jacket panel, hardbound.
Red-Dirt Marijuana by Terry Southern, (New York: Signet, 1968), Burroughs contributes a blurb to the first page inside the cover, bound in wraps.
Addiction & Opiates by Alfred R. Lindesmith, (Chicago: Aldine Publishing, 1968), Burroughs contributes a brief excerpt from “Kicking Drugs: A Very Personal Story” hardbound in dust jacket.
Sheeper by Irving Rosenthal, (New York: Evergreen Black Cat, 1968), Burroughs contributes a blurb to the rear cover, first printing, bound in wraps.
Takis: Evidence of the Unseen by Wayne Anderson, (Cambridge: M.I.T., 1968), exhibition catalog with commentaries by Marcel Duchamp, Gregory Corso, Allen Ginsberg, and William Burroughs, Published on occasion of the Takis Exhibition at the Heyden Gallery at MIT, Cambridge MA, Nov. 15 – Dec 8, 1968. Bound in wraps.
Infamous Sex Maniacs ed. by J.P. Woodruff, (San Diego: Publisher’s Export Co., 1969), Burroughs contributes an untitled, but lengthy, excerpt from Naked Lunch, bound in wraps.
Smiling Through the Apocalypse: Esquire’s History of the Sixties ed. by Harold Hayes, (New York: McCall, 1969), Burroughs contributes “The Coming of the Purple Better One” hardbound in dust jacket.
Stomping the Goyim by Michael Disend, (New York: Croton Press, 1969), Burroughs contributes a blurb to the rear of the dust jacket, hardbound
Some of IT ed. by David Mairowitz, (London: Knuller, 1969), Burroughs contributes several pieces including a special introduction. In their listing for B52, Maynard & Miles note three variant issues of this work but this is a fourth variant differing from the others in the form of the “IT-Girl” logo on printed wraps.
Victims of our Fear ed. By Tina Morris, (Lancshire, England: Screeches Publications, [no date -1969?]), Burroughs contributes a 40-50 word quote concerning white supremacy, bound in wraps. “Review Copy” written in pencil on front. This publication also noted in the Am Here Books Catalog 5.
Pig by Jeff Nuttall, (London: Fulcrum Press, 1969), Preface by Burroughs, listed as M&M B53, but does not note the simultaneous wraps issue of this title.
Marz Texte 1 (Darmstadt: Marz Verlag, 1969), Burroughs contributes “Die Zukunft des Romans” a German translation of ‘The Future of the Novel’ taken from remarks at the 1962 International Writers Conference in Edinburgh, bound in wraps with bright yellow dust jacket.
The Red Hot Vacuum by Theodore Solotaroff, (New York: Atheneum, 1970), Burroughs contributes several excerpts from Naked Lunch, hardbound in dust jacket.
The Best of S.F. 12 (London: Mayflower Books, 1970), first British printing, bound in wraps. Burroughs contributes “They Do Not Always Remember.” Published originally in New York by Dellacorte in 1968 as S.F. 12 and listed as M&M B36a.
The Last of the Moccasins by Charles Plymell, (San Francisco: City Lights, 1971), Burroughs contributes a blurb to the rear cover, bound in wraps.
Munching on Existence ed. by Robert Gliner and R.A. Raines,(New York: The Free Press, 1971), Burroughs contributes “From Naked Lunch” to this anthology, bound in wraps.
Bad News by Paul Spike, (New York: Holt Rinehart Winston, 1971), Burroughs contributes a blurb to the rear dust jacket panel, hardbound.
New American Story ed. by Donald Allen and Robert Creeley, (London: Penguin UK, 1971). Originally published in New York by Grove Press in 1965, in which Burroughs contributed “Ordinary Men and Women” and “Censorship.” Noted as Maynard & Miles B18a. Here in the UK edition not listed by M&M, Burroughs’ contribution has been changed — “Ordinary” replaced by two extracts from Nova Express, “Censorship” is retained, bound in wraps.
Scattered Poems by Jack Kerouac, (San Francisco: City Lights Books, 1971), Burroughs contributes the cover photo, bound in wraps.
Bad News by Paul Spike, (New York: Holt Rinehart Winston, 1971), Burroughs contributes a blurb to the rear dust jacket panel, first printing, hardbound.
Matata by Malcolm McConnell, (New York: Viking, 1971), Burroughs contributes a lengthy blurb about the book to the rear cover, hardbound in dust jacket.
Aqua Lunge by Jorg Fauser, (Gottingen: Udo Breger, 1971), Burroughs contributes a short blurb to this publication in German language, bound in wraps.
The Open Conspiracy: What America’s Angry Generation is Saying by Ellen Grodzins Romm, (New York: Avon Books, 1971), Burroughs contributes untitled quotes, bound in wraps.
The Urban Adventurers ed. by Thomas Boyle and James Merritt, (New York: McGraw-Hill, 1972), Burroughs contributes “From Naked Lunch” to this anthology, bound in wraps.
Parvis à L’Echo des Cils ed. by Jean-Clause Maillard, (Paris: Jean-Jacques Pauvert, 1972), Burroughs contributes 3 pages of reproductions from his scrapbooks, text in French, bound in wraps.
The Lucifer Society ed. by Peter Haining, (New York: Taplinger Publications, 1972), Burroughs contributes “Exterminator” hardbound in dust jacket.
Criminal Life: Views from the Inside ed. by David Peterson and Marcello Truzzi, (Englewood Cliffs NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1972), Burroughs contributes “My First Days on Junk” bound in wraps.
Visions of Cody by Jack Kerouac, (New York: McGraw-Hill, 1972), Burroughs contributes a photo of Kerouac to the rear dust jacket, hardbound.
Infra Noir by Claude Pelieu, (Paris: Le Soleil Noir, 1972), Burroughs contributes “L’Insurrection Invisible — Words Falling Photo Falling Break Thru in the Grey Room” text in French, one of 1,000 numbered copied, bound in wraps with tissue jacket.
Floating Bear Anthology ed. by Leroi Jones and Diane di Prima, (La Jolla CA: Laurence McGilvery, 1973), Burroughs contributes several pieces to this anthology collecting the complete output for this magazine. Hardbound in without dust jacket as issued, plus there was also an edition bound in wraps.
Sex & Drugs: A Journey Beyond Limits by Robert A. Wilson, (Chicago: Playboy Press, 1973), Burroughs contributes a blurb to the front inner dust jacket panel, first printing, hardbound in dust jacket.
Structures Implicit and Explicit ed. by James Bryan and Rolf Sauer, (Philadelphia: Graduate School of Fine Arts at University of Pennsylvania, 1973), Burroughs contributes “Abstract” bound in wraps.
The Process by Brion Gysin, (London: Panther, 1973), Burroughs contributes a blurb to the front cover and a quote about Gysin to the first inner page, first printing in wraps.
I just picked up a ‘postcard’ issued by Gotham Book Mart announcing an exhibit of artwork by Mohammed Mrabet c.1960. The back of the index card features a blurb by WILLIAM S. BURROUGHS as follows: “The art of Mohammed Mrabet cannot be called primitive, for the draftsmanship is quite sophisticated. On one hand, the paintings derive from the classical Arab tradition, as expressed in mosaics; there is also some resemblance to the spirit-pictures drawn by Eskimo shamans. But beyond these influences, there is a fresh and original style which is uniquely Mrabet’s own”.