by William S. Burroughs William Burroughs, Untitled text on Guy Harloff, Exhibition Catalogue, Paris, December 1961. (Note: This same text was published in Bizarre magazine in 1963.) Painting is a silent language of juxtaposition, is a form of writing — In the painting of Harloff isolated words used as objects remind the observer: words are…
Tag: Guy Harloff
Untitled Text on Guy Harloff (Bizarre Magazine)
by William S. Burroughs William Burroughs, Untitled text on Guy Harloff, Bizarre 28, 1963. (Note: This text was first printed in the 1961 Guy Harloff exhibition catalogue.) Painting is a silent language of juxtaposition, is a form of writing. In the painting of Harloff isolated words occur used as objects remind the observer: words are…