Reports from the Bibliographic Bunker Jed Birmingham on William S. Burroughs Collecting [Prospectus of The Divers Press]. Divers Press, 1953. “Printing is cheap in Mallorca.” Contains blurbs by Creeley for Proensa by Paul Blackburn, Mayan Letters by Charles Olson, From the Sustaining Air by Larry Eigner, and The Kind of Act Of by Creeley. folded…
Tag: Black Mountain
Reports from the Bibliographic Bunker Jed Birmingham on William S. Burroughs Collecting Proensa. By Paul Blackburn. Divers Press, Palma de Mallorca, 1953. Bodoni type. 51 pages. Proensa, Paul Blackburn’s translations of the Provencal poets, was the first publication realized by Robert and Ann Creeley’s The Divers Press. Earlier in 1953, Creeley abandoned Roebuck Press, a…
Caesar’s Gate
Reports from the Bibliographic Bunker Jed Birmingham on William S. Burroughs Collecting Caesar’s Gate: Poems 1949-1950. By Robert Duncan. Divers Press, (Palma de Mallorca), 1955. Softcover. First edition. With collages by Jess Collins. Octavo. White coated pictorial wrappers. An edition limited to thirteen copies, marked A to C and 1 to 10, each with an…
The Grinding Down by Paul Blackburn
Reports from the Bibliographic Bunker Jed Birmingham on William S. Burroughs Collecting Introduction In the summer of 1963, poet Paul Blackburn wrote an essay in Kulchur 10 entitled “The Grinding Down,” which mapped the contemporary landscape of the Mimeo Revolution and lamented for those beloved days of yore when Robert Creeley’s editorial vision surveyed the…