Articles and Books About William S. Burroughs
by Eric C. Shoaf
Items listed here are comprised of interviews with Burroughs, criticism of his writings, stories about him, interactions people had with him, and a catch-all as such for printed material related to Burroughs in some way. The majority of items here are serial titles — magazines or journals — and some are not well-documented elsewhere.
This listing is not complete and is not meant to be complete.
Many, but not all, of the interviews listed here are published in the Burroughs Live: Collected Interviews book, which every Burroughs enthusiast should own. Other interviews are not previously recorded and therefore useful to research. The listing begins pre-M&M because they only recorded interviews and some of the early critical/biographical material is rather interesting and worth seeking out. Finally, this section includes what may be the coolest title ever given to one of the “little magazines.” See Deathburger 1969. All items listed here are in the collection at the University of Virginia special collections library.
1. Saturday Review June 27, 1959, prints “The Book Burners and Sweet Sixteen” by John Ciardi about Burroughs, Kerouac, and censorship, bound in wraps.
2. Life Magazine November 30, 1959, includes “Beats: Sad But Noisy Rebels” by Paul O’Neil with photo of Burroughs and description of Naked Lunch, also Kerouac, Ginsberg, Corso, etc. The article is mostly disparaging to the Beats in general but is one of the earliest in the mainstream press to cover the movement. Bound in wraps.
3. Wagner Literary Magazine (Staten Island NY), prints “William Burroughs: Walden Revisited” by Arthur Flynn in this publication from the Student Association of Wagner College. Bound in wraps.
4. Outburst #1 (London: 1961), prints a review of the Olympia Naked Lunch by Robert Creeley, scarce and important early criticism.
5. Kulchur #7 (Autumn 1962), prints “Notes More or Less Relevant to Burroughs and Trocchi” by Edward Dorn, scarce early criticism, bound in wraps.
6. The New Republic December 1, 1962, prints “The Great Burroughs Affair” about Naked Lunch and the controversy surrounding its release. Printed on fragile paper and bound in wraps.
7. New Yorker February 2, 1963, prints a lengthy review of Naked Lunch by Donald Malcolm, bound in wraps.
8. Critique Vol. 6 no. 1 (Spring 1963), prints “The Subtracting Machine: The Work of William Burroughs” by Ihab Hassan, bound in wraps.
9. Encounter April 1963, prints “Burroughs’ Naked Lunch” by Mary McCarthy, in part an explanation of her glowing comments on the book made previously at the International Writers’ Conference in Edinburgh, bound in wraps.
10. Partisan Review Spring 1963 (Vol. 30 no. 1), prints a review of Naked Lunch by Lionel Abel, bound in wraps.
11. Rogue Magazine September 1963, prints “The Invisible Man” by Ann Morrissett about Burroughs and the publication of Naked Lunch, bound in wraps.
12. New Worlds (May-June 1964), British science fiction periodical prints “Myth Maker of the 20th Century” by J.G. Ballard, bound in wraps.
13. ISIS #1497 (October 20, 1965) prints “Burroughs & Genet” by Charles Cameron, bound in wraps.
14. Fact Magazine Vol. 2 #6 (November-December 1965), published by Ralph Ginzberg, includes the article “William Burroughs: High Priest of Hipsterism” bound wraps.
15. The Minority of One March 1966, prints “The Realism of William Burroughs” by Lee Baxendall, bound in wraps.
16. Golden Nugget Magazine August 1966 (London: Vol. 1 no. 6), prints “William Burroughs: The Man and the Word” by J.G. Ballard, scarce short-lived British men’s magazine, bound in wraps.
17. The East Village Other February 15, 1967, prints “Burroughing Into the American Vein” by Tony Tanner, printed on fragile newsprint, bound in wraps.
18. The Massachusetts Review Autumn 1967, prints “William Burroughs and the Literature of Addiction” by Frank D. McConnell, bound in wraps.
19. Alibaba March 1968 (Vol. 2 no. 1), publication from Milan, Italy includes “Il Drogato per Exccellenza” about Burroughs, bound in wraps.
20. Deathburger #6 (May 1969) prints “The Metaphor of Addiction” by Walter J. Hicks a 10,000-word analysis of Burroughs writing, bound in wraps.
21. 20th Century Studies Vol. 2 no. 1, an offprint titled “William Burroughs and the Sexuality of Power” by Robert Lee, bound in stapled wraps.
22. The Writing on the Wall and Other Literary Essays by Mary McCarthy, New York: Harcourt, Brace and World 1970, includes a chapter about Burroughs, Naked Lunch and the Edinburgh Writers Conference. Hardbound in dust jacket.
23. Actuel #2 (November 1970, France: Nova Press), prints an interview with Burroughs, French language, bound in wraps
24. Crawdaddy Magazine Vol. 4 no. 5 (Summer 1970), prints “A Flower Pot from a High Window” an interview with Burroughs by Michael March, printed on fragile newsprint, bound in wraps.
25. William S. Burroughs: The Algebra of Need by Eric Mottram, Buffalo NY: Intrepid Press 1971, the first book-length critical analysis of Burroughs and his impact, written by a friend, hardbound in dust jacket, and one of 1,025 copies.
25a. _____ Buffalo NY: Intrepid Press 1971, simultaneous wraps issue limited to 2,500 copies.
25b. _____ London: Marion Boyars 1977, this edition substantially Revised and Enlarged adding much new material, hardbound in dust jacket, first printing, this edition not published in USA.
26. The Beat Generation: The Tumultuous ’50s Movement and Its Impact on Today by Bruce Cook, New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons 1971, an early critical analysis of the beat generation and its followers. Bound in wraps.
26a. _____ New York: Quill 1994, reprint of the 1971 edition with a new Preface and Afterward by the author. Bound in wraps.
27. City of Words: American Fiction 1950-1970 ed. by Tony Tanner, New York: Harper & Row 1971, Essays and criticism of American literature, includes entire chapter on Burroughs, also Updike, Kesey, Vonnegut and Mailer, first printing, hardbound in dust jacket.
28. Frendz No. 31 (London: July 14, 1972), prints “Look at Uncle Bill: An Interview with William Burroughs” printed on newsprint tabloid style.
29. Bulletin of Bibliography July-September 1972 (Vol. 29 no.3), prints “William S. Burroughs: A Bibliography” by Lynda Lee Rushing, first effort at compiling such a work, bound in wraps.
30. Fusion Magazine July 1972, prints “Adding Up Burroughs” by Milton Moore, bound in wraps.
31. Encrivains des Ameriques: Les Etats-Unis by Naim Kattan, Montreal: Editions Hurtubise 1972, prints “William Burroughs — Le Festin Nu” in this Canadian critical work, bound in wraps.
32. Descriptive Catalogue of the William S. Burroughs Archive compiled by Miles Associates, London: Convent Garden/Am Here Books 1973, one of only 200 copies, each signed by Burroughs, Barry Miles, and Brion Gysin. Hardbound with thin fragile acetate dust jacket as issued. The complete listing of the Burroughs Archive up to 1973.
32a. _____ a leather-bound edition of 26 lettered copies each signed and in a slipcase. According to publisher Richard Aaron “Brion Gysin made 26 original drawings for this part of the edition and the drawings were either stolen or lost prior to the completion of the book.”
33. Unlocking Inspector Lee’s Word Hoard: A Bibliography of the Writings of William S. Burroughs by Joe Maynard, Charlottesville, VA: Self-published 1973. The first draft of the William Burroughs Bibliography “Section A, Books & Pamphlets.” This presentation copy signed by Joe Maynard to Richard Aaron of Am Here Books. Only a handful printed, spiral bound in paper covers.
34. The Unexpurgated Penthouse edited by Peter Haining, London: New English Library 1973, an anthology of classic writing from Penthouse magazine, prints a long interview with William Burroughs.
35. Something Else Yearbook, 1974 ed. by Jan Herman, Barton VT: Something Else Press 1973, prints “Interview: William Burroughs Rapping on Revolutionary Techniques” by Dan Georgakas, originally from 1970, first printing, bound in wraps.
36. The Serif: Quarterly of the Kent State Libraries Vol. 11 no. 2 (Summer 1974), prints “A William S. Burroughs Bibliography” by Jennie Skerl. At the time, this was the most complete Burroughs bibliography, published some four years before Maynard & Miles, and included books, contributions, interviews, recordings, reviews and criticisms. Bound in wraps.
37. Gay Sunshine #21 (Spring 1974), prints an interview with Burroughs including photos, printed on fragile newsprint, bound in wraps, folded as issued.
38. Changes: Journal of Arts and Entertainment #90 (New York: 1974), prints “William Burroughs: Leaving the Planet” by James Grauerholz, printed on fragile newsprint, bound in wraps.
39. William S. Burroughs: La Vie et L’oeuvre by Philippe Mikriammos, Paris: Editions Seghers 1975, French biography and criticism with excellent references and source material, bound in wraps.
40. Yarrowstalks Magazine Apr/May 1975, prints “William Burroughs and the Sacred Word” by Angelo Lewis, a five page interview, also includes an ad for a Burroughs and John Giorno reading in Philadelphia, bound in wraps.
41. William S. Burroughs: An Annotated Bibliography by Michael Goodman, New York: Garland 1975, annotated bibliography of Burroughs major works, cites reviews and criticisms of Burroughs. Hardbound in red cloth without dust jacket as issued.
42. Soft Need #9 (Bonn: Expanded Media Editions 1976), first edition, prints an interview with Burroughs by Brion Gysin, bound in wraps.
43. The New Review April 1976 (Volume 3 Number 25), prints “A Portrait of William Burroughs by Victor Bockris” bound in wraps
44. Out There #7 (1976?), prints “Allen Ginsberg and William Burroughs (from an interview with Barbara Berg)” bound in wraps.
45. Kontexts No. 8 (Amsterdam: Spring 1976), tabloid edited by Michael Gibbs. Prints article on Burroughs, Gysin, and the cut -up” method, as well as the 1976 Le Colloque de Tanger in Geneva. Also prints two full-page reproductions of collaged manuscript pages from The Third Mind.
46. The New Review Vol. 3 no. 25 (1976) Victor Bockris contributes “Information about the Operation: A Portrait of William Burroughs.” Bound in wraps.
47. William S. Burroughs Visuals & Project Notes 1974-1975 by Gary Lee-Nova, privately printed in Canada 1976. An artist’s work book compiled while the author was ‘artist-in-residence’ at the University of Saskatchewan. Quarto sheets bound in a stiff folder. It is not clear how many, or if, copies were made. Contains various images of William Burroughs from the photographs of Brion Gysin and Charles Henri-Ford, interspersed with newspaper headlines, graphics, a photograph of Burroughs’ mother, Mayan glyphs and more. Included is a photocopy letter from the author to Burroughs seeking his approval and permission for the project, together with a photocopy of William Burroughs’ reply. Laid in to the folder are four original unpublished photographs of Burroughs.
48. Naked Angels by John Tytell, New York: Grove Press 1976, first softcover printing, a history of Beat writers.
49. Andy Warhol’s Interview Magazine May 1976, prints an interview with Burroughs by Paul Getty III with photo, printed on fragile newsprint, bound in wraps.
50. The Village Voice May 16, 1977, prints “Orpheus holds His Own: William Burroughs talks with Tennessee Williams, bound in wraps.
51. Mandate Magazine July 1977, prints an interview with Burroughs by Jeff Goldberg, photos by Gerard Melanga, bound in wraps.
52. Rock Scene Magazine September 1977, prints “Patti Smith Meets William Burroughs” a photo pictorial of a book signing at the Gotham Book Mart in NYC, also photos of Allen Ginsberg, Terry Southern, and others, bound in wraps.
53. Acid Rock Magazine November 1977 (New York), prints reviews of Naked Lunch and Junky along with numerous photos of Burroughs, bound in wraps.
54. OOR Magazine No. 25/26 (December 13, 1977), Dutch magazine prints an interview with Burroughs by Bert van de Kamp, bound in wraps.
55. Nova Convention Program Giorno Poetry Systems 1978, program brochure for a weekend of performances produced by John Giorno and including Burroughs, Tim Leary and others. Full-page photograph of Burroughs on rear wrapper, bound in wraps.
56. Creem Magazine April 1978, prints an interview with Burroughs by Jeffrey Morgan, bound in wraps.
57. “Deluxe” #2, Spring 1978, UK magazine prints an interview with Burroughs, bound in wraps
58. Twentieth Century Literature Vol. 24 no. 2 (Summer 1978), prints “The Quest and the Question: Cosmology and Myth in the Work of William S. Burroughs, 1953-1960” by William Stull, bound in wraps.
59. Search and Destroy #10 (San Francisco: 1978), prints “Call Me Burroughs” an interview by Ray Rumor, printed on newsprint, bound in wraps.
60. Berkeley Barb October 26-November 8, 1978, prints “Burroughs Talks” by Joe Flower, printed on fragile newsprint, bound in wraps.
61. Street Magazine Vol. 2 no. 4 (1978) prints an interview with Burroughs by Allen DeLoach, bound in wraps.
62. Gay Sunshine Interviews ed. by Winston Leyland, San Francisco: Gay Sunshine Press 1978, includes an interview with Burroughs expanded from the one appearing in the magazine Gay Sunshine in 1974 (see previous). Bound in wraps.
63. Langage et Silence dans l’oeuvre de William S. Burroughs by Serge Grèunberg, Paris: Sevil 1979, excellent French scholarly study of Burroughs, first printing, bound in pictorial wraps as issued.
64. High Times Magazine February 1979, Victor Bockris interviews Burroughs, bound in pictorial wraps.
65. Creem Magazine March 1979, prints “Inside William Burroughs” an interview by Jeffrey Morgan, bound in wraps.
66. New York Rocker #17 (Feb-Mar 1979), includes “Call Him Burroughs” by Adele Bertie, and an article on the Nova Convention with over a dozen photos of Burroughs and guests, printed on fragile newsprint, folded as issued.
67. Departures Vol. 1 no. 1 (1979), prints “Interview with William Burroughs” by Clarence Major, bound in wraps.
68. Sphinx Magazine #5 1979, this Swiss art and culture magazine includes a conversation between Burroughs and Victor Bockris, and an article by Udo Breger entitled “Brion Gysin’s Dreamachine”. Both pieces in German language with numerous photographs.
69. My Files on William Burroughs: Literary Soldier, Private Pilot by Victor Bockris [np, nd], privately printed, ca.1979, a festschrift in honor of William Burroughs, compiled from the filing cabinets of close friend and biographer. A collection of clippings, photographs, interviews, reviews, letters, and reminiscences. Published in an edition of 50 copies and marked “Exactly 50 copies of these papers have been xeroxed. Twenty five were distributed to friends and twenty five were sold in order to cover the expense of their production.” File bound in green plastic covers with paper jacket reproducing photographs of William Burroughs by Michael Montfort.
70. En Attendant #22 Brussels: November 1979, music tabloid magazine from Belgium which prints an interview with Burroughs by Michel Duval. In French language, bound in wraps.
71. Rolling Stone College Papers #1 (Fall 1979), prints an interview with Burroughs, bound in wraps.
72. Waves Vol. 7 no. 2 (New York: Winter 1979), prints an interview with Burroughs by Ann Waldman, bound in wraps.
73. Popster #31 (January 1980), Italian music magazine prints “William Burroughs: The Beat Goes On” including an article, interview and many photos, bound in wraps.
74. William S. Burroughs: A Checklist of Magazine/Periodicals Appearances compiled by Ralph Cook, San Diego: Atticus Books 1980, adds to the number of documented “C” items to which Burroughs contributed and includes some items not recorded in Maynard & Miles. But also manages to miss a large number of the periodical appearances by Burroughs from the 1973-80 period. For example, the two-year run of monthly articles in Crawdaddy magazine is not mentioned at all. Typewritten and stapled, limited to but 35 copies.
75. Occident Spring 1980 (U.C. Berkeley), prints “Critical Approaches to William S. Burroughs” by Thomas Parkinson, bound in wraps.
76. The Homosexual as Hero in Contemporary Fiction by Stephen Adams, London: Vision Press 1980, includes a chapter about Burroughs’ writings, hardbound in dust jacket.
77. Blueboy Magazine October 1980, prints “Dinner with Andy and Bill” by Victor Bockris, an interview with Burroughs and Andy Warhol with many photos of the pair, bound in wraps.
78. Benzene Vol. 1 no. 2 (New York: Winter 1980), prints “William Burroughs Conversations” and “5 Lectures on William Burroughs” by Allen De Loach, tabloid style and printed on newsprint.
79. William S. Burroughs: La Vida y Obra by Phillip Mikriammos, Madrid: Ediciones Jucar 1980, in-depth study of Burroughs work by Spanish scholar includes an interview with Burroughs, first printing, bound in wraps.
80. The Art of Literary Publishing ed. by Bill Henderson, Yonkers NY: Pushcart Press 1980, prints “The Struggle Against Censorship: A Roundtable Discussion” by Charles Ruas which is a transcription of a radio interview from 1974, first printing, hardbound in dust jacket.
81. Talk Talk Magazine Vol. 2 no. 12, 1980, prints an interview with Burroughs and Allen Ginsberg, bound in wraps.
82. OP Magazine (Olympia WA: Spring 1980), includes a review of Burroughs’ Blade Runner by Mark H. Smith, printed on fragile newsprint, bound in wraps.
83. Dream Makers: The Uncommon People Who Write Science Fiction ed. by Charles Platt, Berkley: 1980, prints an interview with Burroughs.
84. Northeast Rising Sun Vol. 4 no. 17, (1981) prints “Lou Reed Meets William Burroughs” by Victor Bockris, bound in wraps.
85. Talk Talk Magazine Vol. 3 no. 6 (Lawrence KS: August 1981), prints an extensive Burroughs interview also includes flexi disk recording of Burroughs reading from ‘Dead Souls’ and from something ‘partially contained in Nova Express’ laid in, one of 2,000 copies, bound in wraps.
86. Moody Street Irregulars Magazine No. 9 (New York: 1981), a Jack Kerouac Newsletter, this issue prints an interview with Burroughs by Jennie Skerl, bound in wraps.
87. With William Burroughs: A Report from the Bunker by Victor Bockris, New York: Seaver Books 1981, interviews and transcriptions of Burroughs with guests during the New York period. First printing, hardbound in dust jacket.
87a. _____ London: Vermilion & Company 1982, first UK printing in illustrated wraps with a different design from the US printing.
87b. _____ New York: St. Martin’s Press 1996, a revised edition adding two new chapters, first printing, bound in wraps (no hardbound copies of this edition issued), with a new cover design.
88. High Times Magazine February 1981, prints “Interview: Terry Southern with Bill Burroughs” by Victor Bockris, also photos of the two together, bound in wraps.
89. Contemporary Literary Censorship: The Case History of Burroughs’ Naked Lunch by Michael Goodman, Metechun, NJ: Scarecrow Press 1981, a complete history of the Naked Lunch trial and all attending hearings, a well-researched and documented scholarly work and the only one of its kind to follow the trial of NL. Includes a detailed publication of Naked Lunch and background on the Grove Press. An unusually scarce book that was geared to scholars and sold mostly to libraries. Hardbound without dust jacket as issued.
90. Trax Magazine No. 6 (UK: March 18, 1981), prints “Trip to Hell and Back” an interview with Burroughs by Jerry Bauer, printed on fragile newsprint, bound in wraps.
91. NY Rocker April 1981, prints “My Sweet Mole, Burroughs” by Craig D. Nelson which is a book review of Cities of the Red Night. Printed on fragile newsprint, bound in wraps.
92. High Performance Magazine Winter 1981-82 (Vol. 4 no. 4), prints “Nightclubbing with William Burroughs, John Giorno, and Laurie Anderson” by Lewis MacAdams, includes photos, bound in wraps.
93. Revue des Homosexualites Masques No. 12 (1981/82), prints an lengthy interview with Burroughs by Luc Pinhas, text in French.
94. Am Here Books Catalogue Five ed. By Richard Aaron, WSB Collection 1981/82, a dealer catalog of items including a good portion of Burroughs listings, many of which are very scarce and important or otherwise undocumented. This is one of 500 special copies issued with a vinyl 45-rpm recording of Burroughs reading “The Last Words of Hassan-I-Sabbah.” Bound in stiff white wraps. Some copies were numbered, but not all.
94a. _____ an edition produced without the vinyl recording, number produced unknown.
94b. _____ The proof copy of the catalogue with “The-Way-To-Cut-City, Boys” printed at rear, signed by Burroughs on the first leaf, inscribed and signed by editor and Am Here Books proprietor Richard Aaron on the first page of text, loose leaves in binder. Most likely the only signed proof.
95. The Final Academy: Statements of a Kind London: The Final Academy 1982, program for a series of events held in London celebrating William Burroughs, with contributions by Brion Gysin, Jeff Nuttall, Eric Mottram, John Giorno, Miles, Burroughs, et al. Includes rare photos of Burroughs, a Burroughs checklist by Miles, and more. Bound in wraps.
96. Look Quick #10 (Pueblo CO: Spring 1982), a special “Beat” issue which includes two previously unpublished photos of Burroughs originally taken in 1975 at the Naropa Institute, bound in wraps.
97. Radar #1 ed. by Carl Laszlo, Herausgeber Basel: editions C.L.A.G. 1982, an issue almost entirely devoted to Burroughs with interviews, criticism and analysis, bound in embossed silver wraps.
98. Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine September 1982, prints “Profile: William Burroughs” by Charles Platt, bound in wraps.
99. Time Out #63 (Sept. 24, 1982), contains cover feature “Fast Frames, Slow Draw” an interview with Burroughs published to tie-in with “The Final Academy” symposium.
100. Oboe #5 (San Francisco: Night Horn Books), prints a brief Burroughs bio and a review of Cities of the Red Night, bound in wraps.
101. Modern Language Studies Summer 1982 (Vol. 12 no. 3), prints an interview with Burroughs by Jennie Skerl, bound in wraps.
102. Dictionary of Literary Biography Yearbook: 1981 ed. by Karen Rood et al, Detroit: Gale Research 1982, prints a lengthy bio by Robert Burkholder with photos, hardbound without dust jacket as issued.
103. New Musical Express October 16, 1982, prints an interview with Burroughs and Brion Gysin by Chris Bohn, also illustrated comic strip about Burroughs, printed on fragile newsprint, bound in wraps.
104. Red Bass Vol. 3 no. 1 (Tallahasee FL: 1983), prints an interview with Burroughs discussing writing, art, space travel, cultural revolution, and other matters. Bound in wraps.
105. Muziekkrant OOR 19 November 1983 (Amsterdam, The Netherlands), prints an interview with Burroughs by Bert van de Kamp, bound in wraps.
106. Bravear #6 (1983) punk magazine prints “William S. Burroughs” by Michael MacDonald, a review of a Burroughs reading at the Kabuki Nightclub in San Francisco, bound in wraps.
107. Nit & Wit Jan/Feb 1983, this issue of “Chicago’s arts magazine” prints “Burroughs: Mainlining the Mainstream” by Allen Barra. Discusses Burroughs in general, and Naked Lunch and Cities of the Red Night in particular, bound in wraps.
108. Long Shot Vol. 2 1983, prints an interview with Burroughs by Michael Folly, bound in wraps.
109. Gateavisa #7 (Norway: Dec. 1983), prints an interview with Burroughs and other material about him, bound in wraps.
110. Ammunition #2 (Berkeley CA: 1983), a “Naked Lunch Special” edition that prints an article about Burroughs as well as photos, printed sheets side-stapled in wraps.
111. Third Rail #6 1984, small poetry magazine prints an interview with Burroughs by Uri Hertz, bound in wraps.
112. Details Magazine March 1984, prints “Naked Dinner” about a party celebrating Burroughs’ 70th birthday. Includes photo of Burroughs with Lou Reed and Jim Carroll, bound in wraps.
113. East Village Eye April 1984 (New York), tabloid newspaper prints an interview with Burroughs by T. X. Ember entitled “I Still Get a Thrill When I See You, Bill.” Interview deals with Burroughs’ writing, his books, life in Kansas, and other matters. Also includes a review of The Place of Dead Roads by James Graham. Bound in wraps.
114. The St. Louis Weekly March 21, 1984, prints an article/interview with Burroughs by Jan Herman, with color photographic prints of Burroughs at a book-signing event. Bound in wraps.
115. The Riverfront Times (St. Louis) March 28-April 3, 1984, prints an interview with Burroughs with photos of WSB.
116. The New York Review of Books Vol. 31 no. 8 (May 10, 1984), prints an interesting article on Burroughs titled “The Invisible Man” with “William Burroughs’ scene” on cover, bound in wraps.
117. Rock en Stock (Versailles, France), prints an article about Burroughs’ 70th birthday with photos, plus an interview by Frank Tenaille, bound in wraps.
118. Cleveland Edition #6 October 4-10, 1984, prints an interview with Burroughs by William Weiss which discusses The Place of dead Roads and other topics, bound in wraps.
119. Southern California Anthology ed. by Jonathan Woetzel et al, Santa Barbara: Ross-Erikson Publishers 1984, prints an interview with Burroughs by Michael McLaughlin, bound in wraps.
120. Gay News January 31, 1985 (London), prints “Taking the Nova Express” by Patrick Newley, bound in wraps.
121. Conversations with American Writers ed. by Charles Ruas, New York: Alfred Knopf 1985, prints an interview with Burroughs, first printing, hardbound in dust jacket. First published in London in 1984 by Quartet Books.
122. High Times Magazine March 1985, prints an interview with Burroughs by John Howell, lots of photos, bound in wraps.
123. Spin Magazine November 1985, prints “Call Him Burroughs” by Richard Gehr, big color photos of Burroughs, bound in wraps.
124. Kerouac and Friends: A Beat Generation Album by Fred McDarrah, New York: William Morrow 1985, mostly photos and articles from the 1950s and early 60s, lots of information on Burroughs, first printing of this edition, hardbound in dust jacket.
125. In the City Spring 1985, prints “The Burroughs Tradition” by Pete Scott, UK music mag bound in wraps.
126. Beat Indeed ed. by Rudi Horemans, EXA: Antwerp Belgium 1985, history and criticism of Beat writers published in Belgium but in English language. Lots of Kerouac but WSB as well, bound in wraps.
127. William Burroughs: An Essay by Alan Ansen, Water Row Press 1986, A long essay on Burroughs by his old friend Ansen who helped type Naked Lunch in Tangier. Bound in wraps and limited to 500 numbered copies.
127a. _____ an edition of 50 numbered hardbound copies signed by Ansen and Burroughs.
127b. _____ an edition of 26 lettered copies signed by both and hors commerce.
128. Trip to Hell and Back Coventry UK: Cold Wind Press aka Satori Beats 1986, small pamphlet limited to 100 copies, prints an interview with WSB by Jerry Bauer originally published in Trax magazine March 18, 1981, bound in stapled wraps. Later pirated by TOPY Heart in a small edition.
129. Rolling Stone Magazine October 23, 1986, prints “The Return of the Invisible Man” by James Fox, includes photos of Burroughs, bound in wraps.
130. Wire Magazine Issue 33 (November 1986), UK mag prints “William Burroughs: The Poisonous Rasp” by Biba Kopf, bound in wraps.
131. Burroughs by Gerard-Georges Lemaire, Paris: Editions Artefact 1986, a complete compendium of all things Burroughs including many photos and reproductions of his printed works. Published only in French, bound in wraps.
132. Beats & Company: Portrait of a Literary Generation Garden by Ann Charters, New York: Doubleday 1986, large volume illustrated with many photos, first printing, hardbound in dust jacket.
133. New Letters Vol. 51 No 1 (1986) prints an interview with Burroughs, bound in wraps.
134. Interchange No. 4, British little magazine prints an article on Burroughs by Pete Scott, bound in wraps.
135. Awful Moments ed. by Philip Norman, London: Elm Tree Books 1986, re-tells the story of Burroughs accidentally shooting his wife but incorrectly has it set in New York instead of Mexico, first printing, hardbound in dust jacket.
136. Word Cultures by Robin Lydenberg, Urbana, IL: University of Illinois Press, 1987, first edition, hardbound in dust jacket with photo by Gerard Malanga. Textual criticism.
137. Sunday Times Magazine March 22, 1987, weekly magazine of the London Times newspaper prints “The Return of the Invisible Man” by James Fox, includes several photos, bound in wraps.
138. Rolling Stone Magazine Nov. 5-Dec 10, 1987, prints “The William Burroughs Interview” by Robert Palmer, bound in wraps.
139. In Style for Men Winter 1987, prints “William Burroughs: In Praise of Splendid Blasphemies” by Richard Labonte, bound in wraps.
140. High Frontiers Magazine #3 (1987), prints “William Burroughs and His Feline Obsession” bound in wraps.
141. Aquarius Revisited: Seven Who Created the Sixties Counterculture by Peter Whitmer, New York: Macmillan 1987, a look at writers from WSB to Hunter Thompson who shaped the period of the sixties, hardbound in dust jacket.
142. Literary Outlaw by Ted Morgan, New York: Henry Holt 1988, large bio with plenty of info, first printing, hardbound in dust jacket.
143. Christopher Street #120 (1988) prints an interview with Burroughs, bound in wraps.
144. Living in Words: Interviews from the Bloomsbury Review 1981-1988 ed. by Gregory McNamee, Portland OR: Breitenbush Books, Inc. 1988, prints an interview with Burroughs, issued simultaneously in hardcover and wraps.
145. [deleted duplicate entry]
146. Cover — Arts New York January 1988, prints an interview “William Tells” by Michele Corriel, printed on fragile newsprint, bound in wraps, folded as issued.
147. National Student Magazine- The Magazine of the National Union of Students Issue 4 (February 1988), prints an interview with Burroughs by Kam Haroohar. Bound in wraps.
148. Exhibition Catalog: William S. Burroughs Santa Fe NM: Gallery Casa Sin Nombre 1988, prints “On Burroughs’ Art” by James Grauerholz, also includes photos of Burroughs’ paintings exhibited at the gallery. Bound in wraps.
149. The Rocket (Seattle WA) July 1988, prints an interview with Burroughs by Jesse Bernstein, printed on newsprint, bound in wraps.
160. Elle Magazine March 1988, prints “Brand-New Beats” by Katherine Dieckmann, an article about and interview with Burroughs, includes photo, bound in wraps.
161. Cottonwood #41(University of Kansas: 1988), prints an interview with Burroughs by George Wedge, also reproduces Burroughs’ paintings on the front and rear covers, bound in wraps.
162. Les Inrockuptibles #12 (Summer 1988), French music magazine features a 5 pages interview between Patti Smith and William S. Burroughs made in 1979, text in French, bound in wraps.
163. Kerouac and the Beats: A Primary Sourcebook by Arthur and Kit Knight, New York: Paragon House 1988, prints an interview with Burroughs by John Tytell, first printing, hardbound in dust jacket.
164. William Burroughs: Painting London: The October Gallery 1988, prints “William Burroughs’ Art” by James Grauerholz and reproduces Burroughs’ paintings in color. Bound in wraps.
165. Exposure December-January 1989, prints “The Boy That Was Banned” by Ron Curran about Burroughs, bound in wraps.
166. ONTHEBUS: A New Literary Magazine #4 (Los Angeles: Bombshelter Press 1989), Burroughs and Ginsberg are interviewed by Daniel Ritkes, bound in wraps.
167. Beat Scene Magazine No. 7 (Coventry, England: 1989), prints reviews of Interzone and Tornado Alley by Kevin Ring, bound in wraps.
168. The Arts Journal (Asheville, NC: June 1989), prints “The Literary Outlaw and the Lemurs:
William S. Burroughs Among the Prosimians and Other Primates of Durham, NC” by Tom Patterson, bound in wraps.
169. Trip to Hell and Back [np: 1989] presented by T.O.P.Y. (HEART) as part of the ‘Heart Archive Catalogue,’ an apparent piracy of the Cold Wind Press printing of an interview with WSB by Jerry Bauer. Bound in wraps.
170. Bloomsbury Review May/June 1989, prints “The Bottom Line on William S. Burroughs: An Essay” by David Ulin. Based on a review of the newly released book Interzone, the author discusses Burroughs’ writing through the years. Bound in wraps
171. The Dirty Goat #4 (1989), special Beat generation issue prints an interview with Burroughs, bound in wraps.
172. Canadian Art Magazine September 1989 (Vol. 6 no. 1), prints a short piece about a Burroughs exhibition of artwork, includes photo of WSB and also of shotgun art, bound in wraps.
173. Warten: Das Magazin #1 (Berlin: Druckhaus 1990), large oversize magazine (266 pages) prints an interview with Burroughs (in German) by Jurgen Ploog, bound in wraps and less than 1,000 copies printed.
174. William S. Burroughs: A Reference Guide by Michael Goodman, New York: Garland 1990, updated and expanded revision of his 1975 annotated bibliography. Hardbound in light green cloth covered boards as issued without dust jacket.
175. Magical Blend Magazine San Francisco: April 1990, prints “Blast on Through” a lengthy review and critical look at Burroughs’ writing, focusing on The Western Lands. Bound in wraps.
176. Across the Wounded Galaxies ed. By Larry McCaffery, Chicago: University of Illinois Press 1990, this book of interviews with science fiction writers includes a 23-page interview with Burroughs, first printing, hardbound in dust jacket.
177. Blitz Magazine July 1990, prints “Sniper: The Life of William Burroughs” by Jon Wilde with photos by Steve Speller, bound in wraps.
178. The Daybreak Boys: Essays on the Literature of the Beat Generation ed. by Gregory Stephenson, Carbondale IL: University of Southern Illinois Press 1990, devotes an entire chapter to the work of Burroughs, first printing, hardbound in dust jacket.
179. The New Age London: Our Wonderful Culture 1990, prints an interview with William Burroughs conducted by Anthony Boldt, bound in wraps.
180. Journal Wired Summer/Fall 1990, a rather thick quarterly journal, prints a lengthy interview with Burroughs by Gregory Daurer which includes photos, also an interview with Ginsberg, bound in wraps.
181. The Advocate #302 (October 2, 1980), prints an interview entitled “William S. Burroughs: Unspeakable Evils and Other Random Intersects” by Brent Harris, printed on fragile newsprint, bound in wraps.
182. The Bohemian Register: An Annotated Bibliography of the Beat Literary Movement by Morgan Hickey, Metuchen NJ: Scarecrow Books 1990, fine scholarly bibliography contains much material on Burroughs and his works, first printing, hardbound without dust jacket as issued.
183. William S. Burroughs at the Front: the Critical Reception by Jennie Skerl and Robin Lydenberg, Carbondale: Southern Illinois Press 1991, Critical essays spanning three decades and including reviews of Burroughs’ most recent fiction, first printing, bound in wraps.
184. Interview Magazine April 1991, prints a lengthy interview with Burroughs by Victor Bockris, includes several photos and a couple of Burroughs’ paintings. Bound in wraps.
185. William Burroughs: Cool Cats, Furry Cats, Aliens, but No Purring by Victor Bockris, Self-published: 1991, an interview with Burroughs reprinted from Interview magazine, staple-bound softcover wraps, publication limited to 100 numbered copies each signed by Victor Bockris.
186. Spin Magazine October 1991, prints “William Tells” an extensive interview by Legs McNeil, bound in wraps.
187. Homocore Magazine #7 (Winter/Spring 1991), prints an interview with Burroughs by Deke Motif Nihilson, includes photos “stolen from REsearch without permission” according to text, bound in wraps.
188. The Advocate Magazine #581 (July 16, 1991), prints an interview with Burroughs by David Ehrenstein, many photos of Burroughs including the cover of the pictorial wraps.
189. Man From Nowhere: Storming the Citadels of Enlightenment with William S. Burroughs & Brion Gysin by Joe Ambrose et al. London: Gap and Subliminal 1992, analysis of works of WSB and Gysin, bound in pictorial wraps.
190. Mirabella January 1992, feature article on Naked Lunch movie and also a short interview with Burroughs, bound in wraps.
191. Collage January 14, 1992, prints “Understanding the Work of William Burroughs” by Bill Cushing which is comprised of an interview with Allen DeLoach, printed on fragile newsprint, bound in wraps.
192. Esquire Magazine February 1992, contains “Which is the Fly and Which is Human” a pictorial interview with Burroughs on the release of the film “Naked Lunch” bound in wraps.
193. Pulse Magazine February 1992, prints “The Universal Rage of David Cronenberg” about the Naked Lunch movie, includes photos of WSB,bound in wraps.
194. Casa Burroughs: Shotgun Dipinti e Altro Turin, Italy: L’Onda/Atelier Marconi 1992, catalog for the exhibit held March 26th-April 30th, 1992, bound in grocery bag wrappers simulated to look bent, comes with a plastic trash bag with the gallery name on front. Introduction by Guido Costa. Includes photographs of Burroughs, and five taped-in color plates of his paintings. Text in Italian.
195. William Burroughs: El Hombre Invisible by Barry Miles, London: Virgin 1992, an excellent bio by Burroughs bibliographer, first printing, hardbound in dust jacket.
195a. _____ New York: Hyperion 1993, first US printing, hardbound in a dust jacket with a different design from the UK printing.
195b. _____ London: Virgin 2002, new revised edition, bound in wraps.
196. Esquire (UK) Magazine May 1992, contains “At Home with Bill Burroughs” by Barry Miles, includes photos, not printed in the US edition, bound in wraps.
197. San Francisco Review of Books Vol. 17 no. 1 (Summer 1992), prints “Naked Burroughs: A Conversation Between Allen Ginsberg and William Burroughs” bound in wraps.
198. Wireless Imagination ed. by Douglas Kahn and Gregory Whitehead, Cambridge MA: MIT Press 1992, prints “Sound Identity Fading Out — William Burroughs’ Tape Experiments” by Robin Lydenberg, first printing, hardbound without dust jacket as issued.
199. Beat Scene #16 (1992), prints three reviews of Burroughs-related items, bound in wraps.
200. Details Magazine September 1993, prints “Wild Bill” an interview by David Streitfeld, includes many photos of Burroughs, bound in wraps.
201. Tower Records TOP October 1993, prints “Retro” by Edwin Pouncey that includes a discography on Burroughs, bound in wraps.
202. Flash Art October 1993, prints a conversation between William Burroughs and Francesco Clemente, bound in wraps.
203. Calinti No. 6 (August 1993), pop-culture mag from Turkey prints a short article about Burroughs plus three photos, in Turkish language, bound in wraps.
204. Newsweek September 6, 1993, prints “Let’s Do Naked Lunch” by David Gates, a profile of Burroughs with numerous photos, bound in wraps.
205. Ben Is Dead Magazine Hollywood CA: Summer 1993, prints an interview with Burroughs by Mark Ewert, bound in illustrated wraps.
206. Burroughs: Eine Bild-Biographie ed. by Michael Kohler, Berlin: Nishen 1994, German bio with excellent source material and many otherwise unpublished photos, no English translation exists, first printing, hardbound in cloth covered boards without dust jacket as issued.
207. Venus Bound: The Erotic Voyage of the Olympia Press and Its Writers by John de St. Jorre, New York: Random House 1994, prints an entire chapter on Burroughs and focuses on Naked Lunch, first American printing, hardbound in dust jacket.
208. Out Magazine February/March 1994, prints “Rebel Without a Pause” about Burroughs at 80 years old, includes current and older photos, bound in wraps.
209. Max Magazine April 1994 (Hamburg, Germany), prints “Mit 80 Noch Hip: William S. Burroughs” by Michael Koetzle, includes numerous photos and discography, German text, bound in wraps.
210. Beat Scene Magazine #19 (May/June), a special Burroughs issue that prints “Nothing Here Now But the Recordings” and “Burroughs Turns Eighty” both with photos, bound in wraps.
211. Chaos International No. 16 (1994), prints an interview with Burroughs by Robert Williams, bound in wraps.
212. Gay Times September 1994, prints “Drug Queens We Have Known” that includes section on Burroughs, bound in wraps.
213. Bala Perdida: William S. Burroughs en Mexico (1949-52) by Jorge Garcia-Robles, Mexico City: Ediciones del Milenio 1995, Prize-winning account of Burroughs’ turbulent three years in Mexico including the death of his wife. First printing in Spanish, bound in wraps. An English translation was published in 2001.
214. The Beat Journals Vol. 1, Warwickshire, England: The Beat Scene Press 1995, collection of articles and interviews from Beat Scene magazine, prints “William Burroughs & Other Tales” photos of Burroughs on front and rear cover, first printing, limited to 400 copies, bound in wraps.
215. The Big Book of Weirdos by Carl Posey and 67 of the world’s top comic artists, New York: Paradox Press 1995, includes sketch of Burroughs, bound in wraps.
216. huH Magazine No. 5 (January 1995) prints “The Ultimate Outsider” by Legs McNeil, photos of Burroughs by Jim Tynan, bound in wraps.
217. Beat Scene Magazine #25 (Warwickshire, England) prints an interview with Burroughs by Ron Whitehead, many photos including Burroughs on the cover, bound in wraps.
218. The Birth of the Beat Generation: Visionaries, Rebels, and Hipsters, 1944-1960 by Steven Watson, New York: Pantheon 1995, excellent history of Beats, many photos of Burroughs as well as historical accounts of his interaction and influence on other Beat writers, hardbound in dust jacket.
219. Big Sky Mind: Buddhism and the Beat Generation ed. by Carole Tonkison, New York: Riverhead Books 1995, contains an entire chapter on Burroughs and along with other major Beat writers, first printing, bound in wraps.
220. Vanity Fair Magazine December 1995, prints “On the Road Again” by Joyce Johnson and includes 2 photos of Burroughs by Annie Leibovitz, bound in wraps.
221. Peerpee Magazine #1 curious little magazine prints “W.S. Burroughs” by Jane Alger, two stapled inserts in wraps bound in a portfolio, number 7 of 500 copies printed.
222. The Guardian International Review August 14, 1995, prints “Psycho Dramas: The Dream World of William Burroughs” by Will Self in this weekly supplement to The Guardian (UK) newspaper. Printed on fragile newsprint, bound in wraps.
223. Transformer: The Lou Reed Story by Victor Bockris, New York: Simon & Schuster 1995, prints “Lou Reed Meets William Burroughs” in an extensive interview between the two cultural icons, first printing, hardbound in dust jacket.
224. Beat Generation Writers ed. by Robert Lee, London: Pluto Press 1996, analysis and criticism including an entire chapter on Burroughs, first printing, bound in wraps.
225. Juxtapoz Spring 1996 (Vol. 2 no. 2), prints “Two Guys With Guns Making Art” by Gregory Daurer about Burroughs and Hunter Thompson and their “firearms” art, bound in wraps.
226. Louisville Eccentric Observer (LEO) July 10, 1996, prints “Naked Interview: Conversations with William S. Burroughs” by Ron Whitehead, bound in wraps.
227. Tribe Magazine No. 10, August 1996. (New Orleans), prints an interview with William S. Burroughs including photographs, bound in wraps.
228. Detour Magazine August 1996, prints “William Tells” by David Ulin, lots of photos of Burroughs and artwork, bound in wraps.
229. Chiron Review #48 (Autumn 1996), prints “A Visit With William Burroughs” by Robert Peters, bound in wraps.
230. Art In America November 1996, prints “Burroughs’s Virology” by David Joselit about the Ports of Entry show at the LA County Museum of Art, includes many reproductions from the show, bound in wraps.
231. Ray Gun Magazine Dec/Jan 1996, prints “Gray Magician” by Roger Clarke, a six-page article about Burroughs with photos by Allen Ginsberg, bound in wraps.
232. Qualiteria: The QPB Literary Journal ed. by Kathy Kiernan, New York: Quality Paperback Book Club 1996, includes an excerpt “Inspector Lee of the Nova Police” from El Hombre Invisible by Barry Miles, bound in wraps.
233. The Bowie Companion ed. by Elizabeth Thomson, New York: Da Capo Press 1996, prints “Beat Godfather Meets Glitter Mainman” which originally appeared in Rolling Stone magazine. Bound in wraps.
234. Search & Destroy #7-11: The Complete Reprint ed. by V. Vale, San Francisco: V/Search Publications 1996, prints an interview with Burroughs that originally appeared in Search & Destroy magazine, bound in wraps.
235. Tribe Magazine #10 August 1996, prints an interview with Burroughs by Peter Orr, includes many photos, bound in wraps.
236. The Norton Book of Interviews ed. by Christopher Silvester, New York: W.W. Norton 1996, prints an interview with Burroughs by Duncan Fallowell, first printing, hardbound in dust jacket.
237. 21*C #23, prints “The Beat Goes On” by Kathy Acker about Ginsberg and Burroughs, bound in wraps.
238. Wising Up the Marks: The Amodern William Burroughs by Timothy Murphy, Berkeley: U.CA. Press 1997, textual criticism and more, first printing, bound in wraps.
239. Kansas Alumni Magazine No. 1 1997, prints “El Hombre Visible” by Mark Luce which describes an exhibition of Burroughs artwork at the university. A lengthy article with over a dozen photos of Burroughs and his paintings. Bound in wraps with photo of Burroughs’ painting on cover.
240. The Times (London) August 4, 1997, prints a long obit on Burroughs, newsprint bound in wraps.
241. The Reader News Insert Chicago: August 15, 1997, prints “Friends of Bill” an essay and interview with Burroughs not long before his death by J.R. Jones, printed on newsprint and folded as issued.
242. Santa Cruz Manifesto September 1997, prints “Dr. Penis, I Presume?” by Carter Wilson about WSB’s life, printed on fragile newsprint, bound in wraps.
243. Les Inrockuptibles #116 (Sept 3, 1997), French magazine featuring Burroughs on cover plus eleven pages of interviews, text, and photos, bound in wraps.
244. Rolling Stone Magazine September 18, 1997 (#769), prints “Tribute” by Lewis MacAdams with remembrances from friends, interview excerpts from the magazine, and a short piece by Hunter Thompson about shooting guns with Burroughs, bound in wraps.
245. Beat Scene Magazine No. 29 (Warwickshire, England: 1997), contains a lengthy section on Burroughs, plus 40th anniversary of Kerouac’s On the Road, photos of WSB on cover, bound in wraps.
246. William S. Burroughs: Ghost of Steel by Beaulieu & Hennessey, Poetic Immolation Press 1997, a scarce chapbook on WSB. Printed in an edition of only 26 copies, signed and numbered by the authors, in stapled wraps and printed envelope as issued.
247. Married Punks: A Journal of the Fringe #12 (Eureka CA: 1997), prints “An Essay on the Life and Times of William S. Burroughs” by Lee Kitzis, an ephemeral publication photocopied and side stapled in wraps.
248. Spin Magazine October 1997, prints “The Priest They Called Him” an obit by Dennis Cooper, bound in wraps.
249. Wire Magazine October 1997 (England), prints “Ghost of Chance” by Biba Kopf, includes quotes and photos, bound in wraps.
250. Black Book Magazine Autumn 1997, prints “Tribute: William Burroughs” by Victor Bockris which consists of several interview snippets, bound in wraps.
251. World Art Magazine #13, prints “Viral Cultures” by Tim Griffin about Burroughs and Artaud as art world icons. Bound in wraps.
252. High Times Magazine December 1997, prints “William Burroughs: Last of the Dead Beats” by Chris Eudaley, includes photos, bound in wraps.
253. The ‘Priest’, They Called Him: The Life and Legacy of William S. Burroughs by Graham Caveney, London: Bloomsbury 1997, an uneven bio with lots of color and illustration on nearly every page, first printing, hardbound in dust jacket.
253a. _____ New York: Little, Brown & Co. 1998, the book was re-titled as Gentleman Junkie for U.S. release one year later than above, but otherwise text and illustrations are the same. First printing, hardbound in dust jacket.
254. Chronicles of Disorder #3 prints an interview with Burroughs by Ron Whitehead in this special Beat Generation issue, bound in wraps.
255. A User’s Guide to the Millennium by J.G. Ballard, New York: Picador USA 1997, prints several reviews of Burroughs’ works, first printing, bound in wraps.
256. Factory Magazine #16, French magazine prints a 3-page remembrance of Burroughs, bound in wraps.
257. A Burroughs Compendium: Calling the Toads ed. by Denis Mahoney, Watch Hill RI: Ring Tarigh books 1998, first printing, bound in wraps.
258. The Advocate January 20, 1998, prints a remembrance of Burroughs by Gary Indiana, bound in wraps.
259. My Kind of Angel i.m. William Burroughs ed. by Rupert Loydell, London: Stride 1998, a series of interviews, poetry and photos, first printing, bound in wraps.
260. The Strangest One Of All by Barry Gifford, San Francisco: Synaesthesia Press 1998, recollection of a meeting with WSB, woodcuts by Billy Childish, one of 26 lettered copies, signed by Gifford and Childish and including additional woodcuts, bound in wraps with cream envelope as issued.
260a. _____ one of 150 numbered copies comprising the trade edition.
261. WSB: An elegiac delirium for William S. Burroughs by Stephen Ronan, Berkeley: Ammunition Press 1998, a poetic remembrance of WSB by owner of the Beat Books bookstore in Berkeley, CA. stapled wraps with stiff card covers.
262. Beat Books Catalogue #20 (London: 1998) WSB Collection, an interesting descriptive catalog of Burroughs material for sale, other beat authors as well, bound in wraps.
263. Ray Gun Magazine # 54 (March 1998), prints “Nothing Here Now But the Recordings” by John Giorno, Kathy Acker and others on the audio recordings of Burroughs, bound in wraps.
264. Pop Smear Magazine May/June 1998 includes “Inside the Bunker” photos from Burroughs’ NY headquarters of the 1970s, plus a conversation with John Giorno by Stewart Mayer, bound in wraps.
265. Author Price Guide: APG 134.1 William S. Burroughs Dickerson MD: Quill & Brush 1998, includes an example of Burroughs’ signature, brief bio and listings for his major works along with prices on would expect to pay for an item in excellent condition. Only includes books authored or co-authored by Burroughs. Photocopied sheets stapled at top. A useful guide.
265a. _____ APG 134.2 William S. Burroughs Dickerson MD: Quill & Brush 2001, updated edition, photocopied and stapled.
266. William S. Burroughs & Allen Ginsberg: A Select Bibliography of Works in the UCLA University Library ed. by Brian E.C. Schottlaender and Raymond Soto, Los Angeles: UCLA Library 1998. Published as an outgrowth of the “Here To Go” exhibition, held in the University Research Library, January-March 1998 and which featured the Kurtzman Collection of Beat Literature. Bound in wraps.
267. Your Flesh #38 (1998), prints “The Doctor is Out” by David Livingstone includes quotes from Naked Lunch and The Place of Dead Roads, bound in wraps.
268. Beat Punks by Victor Bockris, New York: De Capo 1998, a compilation of Bockris’ interviews over the years, including several conducted with Burroughs. Also contains about a dozen photos of WSB, bound in wraps.
269. Morgan & Rosenthal Catalogue Six: Modern First Editions Authors A-D (NY, New York: 1998), book dealer catalog lists 75 Burroughs related items for sale, photo of Burroughs on cover, bound in wraps
270. Annexx #13 (San Antonio TX: 1998), reprints part of an interview with William Burroughs by Allen Ginsberg and Greg Corso from 1961, printed on newsprint, bound in wraps.
271. The Beat Generation: A Bibliographic Teaching Guide by William Lawlor, Lanham MD: Scarecrow Press 1998, an academic guide that includes a full chapter on Burroughs, hardbound without dust jacket as issued.
272. The Blue Beat Jacket # 14 (Niigata, Japan), prints “The Ticket is Exploding” an interview by Ron Whitehead, text in English, bound in wraps.
273. 21*C #26, prints “Returning to the Source” by Kathy Acker where she notes her admiration for Burroughs, includes photos of WSB, bound in wraps.
274. Cult Fiction: A Reader’s Guide ed. by Andrew Calcutt and Richard Shepard, Chicago: Contemporary Books 1998, guide to authors in alternative modern literature includes Burroughs (here referred to as “Jr.” although the entry is obviously about WSB and not his son), as well as Hunter Thompson, Tom Wolfe and many others, first printing, bound in wraps.
275. NYC Babylon: Beat Punks by Victor Bockris, London: Omnibus Press 1998, contains several interviews and many photos of Burroughs as Bockris recycles his Burroughs material yet again, first printing, bound in wraps.
276. Strassen de Zufalls uber W. S. Burroughs by Jurgen Ploog, Berlin: Druckhaus Galrev 1998, a German analysis of Burroughs work, the title of which translates to “Roads of Coincidence with William Burroughs” by longtime friend and translator Ploog. Includes several previously unpublished photos of Burroughs and other Beats and much information, first printing, bound in wraps.
277. The Best of William Burroughs by John Giorno, New York: Giorno Poetry Systems 1999, this is the large format 64-page booklet that accompanied the 4 CD “Best Of Burroughs” set. Lots of color photography, bound in pictorial wraps.
278. Gadfly Magazine August 1999 (Charlottesville VA: Gadfly Productions), Victor Bockris writes on Burroughs’ life and influence, nice full-page photo of Burroughs on cover of magazine, bound in wraps.
279. Beat Writers at Work: The Paris Review edited by George Plimpton, New York: Modern Library 1999, includes chapter on Burroughs, first printing, bound in wraps.
280. Pacific Book Auction Galleries Catalog Sale #198: The Nelson Lyon Collection of William S. Burroughs, San Francisco: PBA 1999, 168 lots of items by Burroughs, all signed and inscribed to Nelson Lyon who produced the “Dead City Radio” CD of Burroughs’ readings. Laid in are the prices realized from the sale. Much descriptive information about all Burroughs items offered, some heretofore undocumented. This was one of the largest auctions of Burroughs material in over a decade, bound in wraps.
281. Conversations With William Burroughs ed. by Allen Hibbard, Jackson: University of Mississippi Press 1999, collected interviews with Burroughs on a variety of subjects, first printing, bound in wraps.
282. In Search of Yage Forest Knolls, CA: Skyline Books 1999, contains three original b&w photographs of William Burroughs in the Amazon jungle in the 1950s. The 5 x 7 photographs are corner-mounted on paper that simulates the bark of the Banisteria caapi vine. The pages are bound into covers of richly textured, sumptuous hand-made paper bound at the spine with brass screws. The booklet was designed and hand-assembled by Johnny Brewton of X-Ray Book Co. in an edition limited to only 26 lettered copies. The photographs, two of which are previously unpublished, were reproduced from the original negatives and are the only prints to be made from these negatives. Each copy signed by James Musser, the publisher.
283. Paradise Outlaws by John Tytell, New York: William Morrow 1999, lots of photos and info from an original beat scholar and biographer, first printing, nice photo of Burroughs on cover, hardbound in dust jacket.
284. Time Out Interviews: 1968-1998 ed. By Frank Broughton, New York: Penguin/Time Out Publishing 1999, prints an interview with Burroughs that originally appeared in the magazine in 1982, first printing, bound in wraps.
285. College Literature Vol. 27 no. 1 (Westchester PA: Winter 2000), a special issue on “Teaching Beat Literature” includes several articles about Burroughs and his works.
286. The Beat Hotel: Ginsberg, Burroughs & Corso in Paris, 1957-1963 by Barry Miles, New York: Grove Press 2000, hardbound in dust jacket.
287. Kansas Alumni Magazine No. 3 (2000), prints “Burroughs’ Last Words” by James Grauerholz in which he describes a planned biography of Burroughs as well as other future publications. Bound in wraps. Grauerholz is a 1973 graduate of the University of Kansas.
288. Collecting William S. Burroughs in Print: A Checklist by Eric C. Shoaf, Rumford RI: Ratishna Books 2000, nearly 1,000 entries document Burroughs’ print output from 1953- 1997 plus books and articles about Burroughs and other items of interest. One of 26 lettered copies signed by Shoaf and including a woodcut of Burroughs by Billy Childish, a postcard of Burroughs, and assorted pages from the original Grove Press printing of Naked Lunch. Bound in blue folder with stiff boards.
288a. _____ and edition of 174 numbered copies, bound in wraps.
289. Beat Scene Magazine #36 (Warwickshire, England: 2000), prints “Last Notes” by Jim McCrary about the evolution of the recently published Burroughs work Last Words, bound in wraps.
290. Steamshovel Press #17 (2000), prints previously unpublished interviews with Burroughs, Ginsberg, and Tim Leary, bound in wraps. Scarce.
291. Global Tapestry Journal (2nd Coming) #23 (2000), reprints Dan Georgakas’ 1970 London interview “William Burroughs Rapping on Revolutionary Techniques”, which appeared in the first version of “Global Tapestry Journal” in 1971. Bound in wraps.
292. William S. Burroughs: Time-Place-Word edited by Eric C. Shoaf, Providence RI: John Hay Library 2000, catalog for an exhibition of Burroughs’ printed works at Brown University Library, includes original texts by Eric C. Shoaf, John Tytell, Robin Lydenberg, Jennie Skerl, and Robert Jackson, bound in pictorial wraps, one of 1,000 copies printed.
293. Beat Books Catalogue #26 London: Andrew Sclanders 2001, lists over 200 Burroughs items in addition to other beat and modern literature material for sale. Excellent reference material, bound in wraps.
294. A Distant Book Lifted by Michael Stevens, Spicewood TX: Benjamin Spooner Books 2001, 20-page pamphlet focusing on the blurbs, forewords, afterwords, introductions, prefaces, and other items Burroughs has contributed to various publications. Small printing consists of 99 numbered copies and 26 lettered copies bound in wraps. This is one of 5 copies hardbound by Don Sanders, also signed by Stevens and with laid-in photo of Burroughs, previously unpublished, taken by Stevens.
294a. _____ en edition of 26 lettered copies signed by Stevens and bound in wraps.
294b. _____ an edition of 99 numbered copies, bound in wraps.
295. Queer Burroughs by Jamie Russell, New York: Palgrave 2001, scholarly treatise on Burroughs’ life and writing with a focus on homosexuality, first printing, hardbound without dust jacket as issued.
296. An American Avant Garde: First Wave Columbus: Ohio State University, 2001, an exhibit catalog featuring the William S. Burroughs Collection at Ohio State University, 48 pages with illustrations, some in color, and with an introduction by James Grauerholz about the personal papers of William Burroughs. Highlights from the Burroughs Collection are included – books, manuscripts, letters, and other scarce items. Bound in wraps.
297. Modern Literature with William S. Burroughs San Francisco: PBA Galleries 2001, an auction catalog containing listings for the Robert Torgerson collection of William S. Burroughs (42 lots total) with photos of several lots for sale. Sale #233 from PBA Galleries (formerly Pacific Book Auction Galleries). Bound in wraps.
298. Beat Books Catalogue #29 London: Andrew Sclanders 2001, lists about 150 Burroughs items in addition to other beat and modern literature items for sale. Excellent reference material, bound in wraps.
299. The Anchor December 11 & December 18, 2001, (Providence RI: Rhode Island College), reprints a two-part interview conducted with Burroughs by students in 1974. Includes photos of Burroughs. Two issues, each bound in wraps.
300. William S. Burroughs: You Can’t Win an Interview by Anne Waldman and John Oughton, Salt Lake City: Elik Press 2001, a small pamphlet that reprints an interview with Burroughs from 1978, one of 100 numbered copies, bound in wraps.
301. Texas Monthly October 2001, prints “Looking for Bill” about Burroughs’ time in Texas in the early 1950s. Includes photos, bound in wraps.
302. Book of Changes: Interviews by Kristine McKenna, Seattle: Fantagraphics Books 2001, prints an interview with Burroughs, bound in wraps.
303. Arizona Quarterly Vol. 57 no. 4 (Winter 2001), prints “William S. Burroughs and corporate public relations” by Joseph McNicholas, bound in wraps.
304. Colonial Affairs: Bowles, Burroughs, and Chester Write Tangier ed. by Greg Mullins, Madison: University of Wisconsin Press 2002, includes an entire chapter devoted to Burroughs’ time in Tangier, first printing, bound in wraps.
305. Popular Paranoia ed. by Kenn Thomas, Kempton IL: Adventures Unlimited Press 2002, an anthology from the Steamshovel Press magazine, prints an interview with Burroughs, bound in wraps.
306. Garage Jacker #7, prints a previously published interview with Burroughs, homebrewed little mag, bound in wraps.
307. [Not Only] blue Magazine January 2003 (Sydney, Australia), prints “The Dean of Iniquity” including photos of Burroughs, bound in wraps.
308. OP Magazine Mar/Apr 2003, prints “The Don of Duke Street: An Evening with William S. Burroughs” by Richard Goodman, from an interview originally conducted in 1975, bound in wraps.
309. Headpress (Flicker Machine Edition) Number 25 London: 2003, prints an interview with Burroughs by Johnny Strike and Gregory Ego and also several reviews of Burroughs’ work, bound in wraps.
310. Takaga Barozu-bon (Burroughs) by Hiroo Yamagata, Tokyo: Omura Shoten 2003, excellent critical biography of Burroughs published in Japanese, bound in wraps with wrap-around band.
311. The Paris Review Book of… Since 1953 by the Editors of Paris Review, New York: Picador 2003, prints part of an interview with Burroughs, first printing, hardbound in dust jacket.
312. For William Burroughs: Prague Writers’ Festival 2003, Prague: PWF 2003, catalog and program for the 2003 writers’ event in Czeckoslovacia. Includes articles and interviews about and with Burroughs as well as photographs. Text in English and Czeck. Bound in wraps.
313. The Road to Interzone: Reading William S. Burroughs Reading by Michael Stevens, [nd] 2004, complete draft of an unpublished manuscript that analyzes Burroughs reading habits through his life including his personal library. Comb-bound in wrappers.
314. Retaking the Universe: William S. Burroughs in the Age of Globalization ed. by Davis Schneiderman and Philip Walsh, London/Sterling VA: Pluto Press 2004, critical essays and analysis of Burroughs’ works, first edition, bound in wraps.
315. Book Collector December 2004 (UK), Brit magazine focuses on a ‘Complete Collector’s Guide to the Beat Generation’ and includes extensive bio and price guide for Burroughs’ works. Bound in wraps.
316. Yeti #3 (2006), prints an interview with Burroughs by Alan Greenberg from March 1997, bound in wraps with music CD attached.
317. Lost Years of William S. Burroughs: Beats in South Texas by Rob Johnson, College Station, TX: Texas A&M University Press 2006, detailed and well-researched scholarly treatment of Burroughs period in Texas, bound in wraps.
318. Behutet Number 29 (Spring 2006), prints “Unleash the Word Horde, Part 1” by Richard Behrens, includes photos, bound in wraps.
319. Behutet Number 30 (Summer 2006), prints “Unleash the Word Horde, Part 2” by Richard Behrens, publication subtitled ‘Modern Thelemic Magick & Culture,’ bound in wraps.
320. AnOther Man #2 (Spring/Summer 2006), prints “Dinner with Burroughs and Warhol” by Bockris-Schmidlapp, most of the text is taken from the Blueboy magazine 1980 text of this meeting, new photos by Marcia Resnick, bound in wraps.
321. People March 5, 2007, Australian men’s magazine prints “Word Criminal” by Nathan Sykes about Burroughs’ life, bound in wraps.
322. Die Siete No. 308 (2007), Mexican magazine prints “William Burroughs: Este Viejo, no era solo un loco” by Tim Cumming, text in Spanish, bound in wraps.
323. Mutate or Die — With William Burroughs in Kansas by David Ohle, Coventry, UK: Beat Scene Press 2007, reflections on time spent with Burroughs in his later years, an edition of 125 signed numbered copies, bound in wraps.
Photograph of the Descriptive Catalogue of the William S. Burroughs Archive taken from Bradley Allen’s Flickr stream. Photograph of Burroughs: Eine Bild Biographie taken from the Nelson Lyon edition being offered by Lopez Books.
Excellent and very useful critical bibliography! Omits, however,”William S. Burroughs Number” of The Review of Contemporary Fiction, Vol.IV, no. 1, Spring 1984.
See WS Burroughs on surfers in In Touch Magazine January 1977.
The 2001 Elik Press interview You Can’t Win had not only the 100 copy edition “First Edition: Special Printing” but also an unnumbered 1st edition.
The numbered version has an Elik Press logo on verso, rougher cover paper, blue end papers, off-white pages, and larger copy on verso.
The unnumbered version has an inverted question mark logo on verso, smoother paper, gray end papers, pure white pages, and smaller copy on verso.