Reports from the Bibliographic Bunker Jed Birmingham on William S. Burroughs Collecting C: A Journal of Poetry No. 1 (May 1963) Cover Page: A title page and table of contents [i] Endless Resoundings Fill the RCMM — Dick Gallup [1] Ember Grease — Dick Gallup [2] It’s Everywhere, Like So Much Glue — Dick Gallup…
Tag: Peter Orlovsky
Rhinozeros 5
Reports from the Bibliographic Bunker Jed Birmingham on William S. Burroughs Collecting Rhinozeros #5 Front cover Rhinozeros #5 “Song” by David Meltzer Rhinozeros #5 “Song of the Tusk” by Anselm Hollo Rhinozeros #5 “Attention!” by Gregory Corso Rhinozeros #5 Poem by Michael McClure Rhinozeros #5 “An Africa Ode” by Edward Dorn Rhinozeros #5 “Spel 1”…
Bulletin from Nothing (Issue 2)
Reports from the Bibliographic Bunker Jed Birmingham on William S. Burroughs Collecting Bulletin from Nothing 2Front cover Bulletin from Nothing 2Front Endpaper Bulletin from Nothing 2Front Endpaper Bulletin from Nothing 2William Burroughs Bulletin from Nothing 2William Burroughs Bulletin from Nothing 2William Burroughs Bulletin from Nothing 2William Burroughs Bulletin from Nothing 2Roxie Powell and Claude Pélieu…
Reports from the Bibliographic Bunker Jed Birmingham on William S. Burroughs Collecting Several years ago, I wrote on the potential joys of collecting Charles Olson. Olson loomed as a literal giant over the small press and little magazine scene from 1950 until his death in 1970. As a result, his work appeared in some of…