Reports from the Bibliographic Bunker Jed Birmingham on William S. Burroughs Collecting Jackson Pollock was simultaneously made immortal and led down the path to self-destruction by a photographer. Hans Namuth’s photographs and films of Pollock in his studio pushed Pollock’s fame to new levels unexperienced by any previous American painter. But Pollock could not handle…
Tag: John Giorno
Giorno Poetry Project & the AIDS Treatment Project
John Giorno, COIL, William Burroughs, and the AIDS Crisis This small archive of correspondence between Giorno Poetry Systems and the band Coil — Peter “Sleazy” Christopherson and John Balance aka Geff Rushton aka Geoffrey Burton — begins with Giorno soliciting a contribution for the album A Diamond Hidden in the Mouth of a Corpse. Soon,…
Index to the Contents of C: A Journal of Poetry
Reports from the Bibliographic Bunker Jed Birmingham on William S. Burroughs Collecting C: A Journal of Poetry No. 1 (May 1963) Cover Page: A title page and table of contents [i] Endless Resoundings Fill the RCMM — Dick Gallup [1] Ember Grease — Dick Gallup [2] It’s Everywhere, Like So Much Glue — Dick Gallup…