Reports from the Bibliographic Bunker
Jed Birmingham on William S. Burroughs Collecting

Gene Feldman and Max Gartenberg (editors)
Protest: The Beat Generation and the Angry Young Men
Citadel, 1958
William Burroughs contributes (as “William Lee”) “My First Days on Junk”
(Maynard & Miles B1)

Gene Feldman and Max Gartenberg (editors)
Protest: The Beat Generation and the Angry Young Men
Dell Books, 1959
William Burroughs contributes (as “William Lee”) “My First Days on Junk”
(Maynard & Miles B1)

Gene Feldman and Max Gartenberg (editors)
Protest: The Beat Generation and the Angry Young Men
Panther, 1959
William Burroughs contributes (as “William Lee”) “My First Days on Junk”
(Maynard & Miles B2)

Seymour Krim (editor)
The Beats
Fawcett, 1960
William Burroughs contributes “Two Episodes from The Naked Lunch“
(Maynard & Miles B3)

David Ebin (editor)
The Drug Experience: First-Person Accounts of Addicts, Writers, Scientists, and Others
Orion Press, 1961
William Burroughs contributes “I Went into Pushing with Bill Gains” (excerpt from Junkie) and “I Saw the Apomorphine Treatment Really Work” (reprint of “Newspeak Précis” and “Deposition: Testimony Concerning a Sickness” from Evergreen Review)
(Maynard & Miles B6)

Terry Southern, Richard Seaver, Alexander Trocchi (editors)
Writers in Revolt
Frederick Fell, 1963
William Burroughs contributes “From Naked Lunch“
(Maynard & Miles B9)

Leroi Jones (editor)
The Moderns
Corinth Books, 1963
William Burroughs contributes “Vaudeville Voices,” “Berserk Machine,” “The Ticket That Exploded,” “Note on Vaudeville Voices,” and “The Cut Up Method”
(Maynard & Miles B10)

Dan Wakefield (editor)
The Addict
Fawcett, 1963
William Burroughs contributes “Feeding the Monkey”
(Maynard & Miles B11)

David Solomon (editor)
LSD: The Consciousness-Expanding Drug
Putnam, 1964
William Burroughs contributes “Points of Distinction Between Sedative and Consciousness Expanding Drugs”
See also “William Burroughs and David Solomon“
(Maynard & Miles B15)

Terry Southern, Richard Seaver, Alexander Trocchi (editors)
Writers in Revolt (front)
Berkley Publishing, 1965
William Burroughs contributes “From Naked Lunch“
(Maynard & Miles B9)

Terry Southern, Richard Seaver, Alexander Trocchi (editors)
Writers in Revolt (back)
Berkley Publishing, 1965
William Burroughs contributes “From Naked Lunch“
(Maynard & Miles B9)

Leroi Jones (editor)
The Moderns
MacGibbon & Kee, London, 1965
William Burroughs contributes “Vaudeville Voices,” “Berserk Machine,” “The Ticket That Exploded,” “Note on Vaudeville Voices,” and “The Cut Up Method”
(Maynard & Miles B10)

David Ebin (editor)
The Drug Experience: First-Person Accounts of Addicts, Writers, Scientists, and Others
Grove Press, 1965
William Burroughs contributes “I Went into Pushing with Bill Gains” (excerpt from Junkie) and “I Saw the Apomorphine Treatment Really Work” (reprint of “Newspeak Précis” and “Deposition: Testimony Concerning a Sickness” from Evergreen Review)
(Maynard & Miles B6b)

Darazt: An Anthology
Lovebooks Limited, 1965
William Burroughs contributes “Who is the Walks Beside Written 3rd”
(Maynard & Miles B16)

Gil Orlovitz (editor)
The Award Avant-Garde Reader
Award, 1965
William Burroughs contributes “Proclaim Present Time Over”
(Maynard & Miles B17)

Donald M. Allen and Robert Creeley (editors)
The New American Story
Grove Press, 1965
William Burroughs contributes “Ordinary Men and Woman” and “Censorship”
(Maynard & Miles B18)

Maurice Girodias (editor)
The Best of Olympia
New English Library, 1966
William Burroughs contributes “The Ticket That Exploded”
(Maynard & Miles B25)

Maurice Girodias (editor)
The Olympia Reader
Ballantine Books 1967
William Burroughs contributes excerpts from Naked Lunch, The Ticket That Exploded, The Soft Machine
(Maynard & Miles B19b)

Barney Rosset (editor)
Evergreen Review Reader
Grove Press, 1968
William Burroughs contributes “Deposition: Testimony Concerning a Sickness,” “From Naked Lunch,” and “Comments on ‘The Night before Thinking'”
(Maynard & Miles B44)

Jesse Kornbluth (editor)
Notes from the New Underground
An Ace Book, By arrangement with Viking Press, 1968
William Burroughs contributes “Academy 23: A Deconditioning”
(Maynard & Miles B41)

Thomas Parkinson (editor)
A Casebook on the Beat
Thomas Y. Crowell Company, 1969 (8th Printing)
William Burroughs contributes “Deposition: Testimony Concerning a Sickness,” “The Cut Up Method of Brion Gysin,” and “A Newspeak Precis of the Article Made in Its Image with its Materials.”
Also contains:
Alan Ansen, “Anyone Who Can Pick Up a Frying Pan Owns Death”
Paul Bowles, “Burroughs in Tangier”

James Haskins and Kathleen Benson (editors)
The 60s Reader
Viking Kestrel, 1970
William Burroughs contributes “Academy 23: A Deconditioning”

David Young (editor)
The Story So Far (front)
The Coach House Press, Toronto, 1974
William Burroughs contributes “The Health Officer”

David Young (editor)
The Story So Far (back)
The Coach House Press, Toronto, 1974
William Burroughs contributes “The Health Officer”

Maurice Girodias (editor)
The Olympia Reader
Black Cat Book (Grove Press), 1983 (5th Printing)
William Burroughs contributes excerpts from Naked Lunch, The Ticket That Exploded, The Soft Machine
Jim Fleming and Peter Lamborn Wilson (editors)
Semiotext(e) USA
Semiotext(e), 1987
William Burroughs contributes “Sects and Death”

Arthur and Kit Knight (editors)
The Beat Vision
Paragon House, 1987
William Burroughs contributes “William Burroughs Letter to Jack Kerouac”
Rudy Rucker, Peter Lamborn Wilson, and Robert Anton Wilson (editors)
Semiotext(e) SF
Semiotext(e), 1989
William Burroughs contributes “The CIA Reporter” and “The New Boy”

Reverend Ivan Stang (editor)
Three-Fisted Tales of Bob
Simon & Schuster Fireside, 1990
William Burroughs contributes “Behind-Foreeverafterword: Sects and Death”

John Strausbaugh and Donald Blaise (editors)
The Drug User
Blast Books And Dolphin-Moon Press, 1991
William Burroughs contributes a foreward and the cover painting “Burn Unit”

Amy Scholder and Ira Silverberg (editors)
High Risk: An Anthology Of Forbidden Writings
A Plume Book, 1991
William Burroughs contributes “Just Say No To Drug Hysteria”

Ann Charters (editor)
The Penguin Book of the Beats
Penguin Books, 1993
William Burroughs contributes “Deposition: Testimony Concerning a Sickness” as well as excerpts from Junky, The Yage Letters, and Naked Lunch

Richard Gilliam, Martin H. Greenberg, and Edward E. Kramer (editors)
A Confederacy of the Dead
A Roc Book, June 1993
William Burroughs contributes “Death Fiend Guerillas”

Elisa Segrave (editor)
The Junky’s Christmas and Other Yuletide Stories
Serpent’s Tail, 1994
William Burroughs contributes “The Junky’s Christmas”

Simon Dwyer (editors)
Rapid Eye (front)
Creation, 1996
William Burroughs contributes “The Fall of Art,” “And His Name Was Rover,” and “The Johnson Family.” Also includes interview with Burroughs conducted by V. Vale.

Simon Dwyer (editors)
Rapid Eye (back)
Creation, 1996
William Burroughs contributes “The Fall of Art,” “And His Name Was Rover,” and “The Johnson Family.” Also includes interview with Burroughs conducted by V. Vale.
Great stuff! How do we contribute?
Send the images to the RealityStudio contact address and provide the bibliographic info with the image.
Look forward to seeing what you send in.
very groovy man.
“The only people for me are the mad ones, the ones who are mad to live, mad to talk, mad to be saved, desirous of everything at the same time, the ones who never yawn or say a commonplace thing, but burn, burn, burn, like fabulous yellow roman candles exploding like spiders across the stars and in the middle you see the blue centerlight pop and everybody goes “Awww!”
–Jack Kerouac
Excellent Project Idea!
I think this could lead to a very LARGE Gallery!
I have a Berkley Medallion Edition of WRITERS IN REVOLT: AN ANTHOLOGY that I’ll scan and send for the Gallery.
Black background with hot red and yellow text.
Should /really/ add “High Risk: An Anthology of Forbidden Writings”
Don’t forget SF12 ed by Judith Merrill, I know the hardcover has William’s name on the jacket art. I don’t have a copy presently or would send the image..
You can hear Burroughs read the entire text of Death Fiend Guerillas on a CD entitled FRESH SOUNDS FROM MIDDLE AMERICA #5, released in 1990 by Fresh Sounds, Inc.
Many of these pieces I recognize. Some I do not. Specifically, “A Casebook on the Beat”. I picked up a copy in a thrift store for 50 cents. Are “The Cut Up Method by Brion Gysin” and “A Newspeak…” also published elsewhere or in another Burroughs comp? Great pieces.
“The Cut-Up Method” has been reprinted more often than “Newspeak.” The Cut-Up Method appears in Yugen, RE/Search as well as on UbuWeb. There are others as well. I would not be surprised if it is in Word Virus. The only “Newspeak” instance that comes to mind is Evergreen Review.
v cool. Thanks man.
So, like Bukowski, Burroughs has been in so many different publications (considering their involvement in the mimeo revolution) that it’s possible to come upon pieces that have never been widely anthologized all these years later. The hunt is really awesome. The discovery is so…exciting, really. I just love the fact that I’ve come upon some writings that can’t be found elsewhere, not Barnes & Noble or any of those type of places. I’m not quite sure I can get enough. I’m hooked. I need. I’m jones-ing.
You might find The Burroughs File in a B&N.
I don’t dislike B&N. I do find it annoying that they seem to also be a toy store. But that’s okay. That makes other book stores, especially independent ones, that much more interesting and unique. Yeah, and, because B&N caters to such a wide audience the occasional really interesting book lands in there and sits for a really long time. I’ve seen it with books I already have or books I want but might not be able to afford.
Doing some cursory sniffing around I can see that I NEED to get myself a copy of The Burroughs File. And again, thanks for pointing me in the right direction.
I don’t know how I missed this page. Great reference, thank you. I’m certain that I’ll have a few to add.
Please do Demi