Reports from the Bibliographic Bunker
Jed Birmingham on William S. Burroughs Collecting
I have to think that a complete Fuck You Press bibliography would be a monumental task. Take this handbill from the March on the Pentagon in October 1967. It is clearly Ed Sanders’ handwriting and has the trademark Fuck You style, but the page size reminds me of Ted Berrigan’s C Journal rather than the standard 8.5 X 11 of most Fuck You stuff. I wonder if this handbill was run on the Phoenix Bookshop mimeo machine, which, as I understand it, Berrigan used to print C. Sanders also used the Phoenix mimeo for early issues of Fuck You Magazine and then he bought his own machine, which he installed at Peace Eye Books. Looking at other Fuck You handbills this “Chant to Exorcise the Pentagon” has a different feel to it while still remaining trademark Fuck You. I have never seen another one of these available. Any information would be great.
For those of you in the dark about what the March on the Pentagon was all about, read Norman Mailer’s Armies of the Night for enlightenment. Here are some YouTube videos about the March.
And the hippie movement failed…why exactly?
To: Graham Rae Because they were wrong and superficial? The leaders were radical and the followers didn’t have a clue? Social networks and communications were not “high tech”…. word of mouth carried much misinformation? …etc??
Shall we refer to the San Francisco Oracle Vol. 01 # 10?
Movements tend to fail, more or less, always. Original ideas and ideals are necessarily banalized when attained by masses. Plus its often so that even leaders don’t act like they preach. But that said, there are achievements in each movement, accomplisments shining after dust sets down.